Promising New Parallel Economy Bank – Old Glory Bank – 11 Things You Should Know

Old Glory Bank is a collaborative effort by John Rich, Dr. Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and Mary Fallen along with other great patriots.

Parallel Economy Bank

We Need a Parallel Economy Bank Because They Tried to Silence Us

As Patriots and Conservatives, we’ve been banned and removed from social media accounts in the attempts to “silence us.” We’ve been banned and removed from eCommerce platforms in an attempt to bankrupt us. On top of that, we’ve also witnessed banks freezing and closing the accounts of conservative activists doing nothing more than trying to make their voices heard and reveal the corruption in every aspect of today’s society. For this reason and many more, we need a Parallel Economy Bank.

“…we’ve also witnessed banks freezing and closing the accounts of conservative activists…”

So, what’s next?

New Version of Political Coercion

Well, it seems banks aren’t stopping their “woke” policies just yet. According to the Gateway Pundit, “Banks are now intentionally hindering customers’ ability to manage their own funds and make critical purchases, as well as interfering with their ability to make their own financial decisions.” Apparently Forcht Bank denies that this has happened, but of course they would. However the individual who first reported this issue claims that it did indeed happen and that he will provide even more proof in the near future.

Unbanking the Gun Industry

To be honest, this type of move does not come as a surprise and I anticipate that many other banks will begin engaging in similar practices. Over the years, banks have slowly been operating behind the scenes to cut businesses in the gun industry off from financing opportunities. According to Fox News, “If guns cannot be directly taken from the hands of citizens, the next best target is the banks and financial institutions that enable transactions or loans for the industry.”

However, despite their attacks against the gun industry as a whole, this story about Forcht Bank would be a rather large escalation. The banks were previously operating behind the scenes, but now they somehow feel they have the authority to deny their customers from using their debit cards to purchase firearms. Seriously?

As we know, this is nothing more than the Left’s “New Version of Political Coercion”. At some point, you would think they would get it. Will they never understand that as we transition into a Parallel Economy, we will always find a way?

By now, you may be wondering where I’m going with this.

What if I told you there’s a new Parallel Economy Bank on the horizon? A “Real Bank for Real Americans” to be exact. Would you be intrigued?

So far, a Parallel Economy Bank has been one of the missing links in the budding Parallel Economy financial network. We’ve reported about a Parallel Economy Credit Card named Coign. We’ve written about Dan Bongino’s Parallel Economy Payment Processing platform, not surprisingly named, We’ve also published articles and business directory listings about competing Parallel Economy payment platforms including AlignPay, and 2nd Amendment Processing. However, the Parallel Economy Bank was the puzzle piece that was missing and it appears that we may have just found it.

“What if i told you there’s a new Parallel Economy bank on the horizon?”

Old Glory Bank

Please allow me to introduce to you to Old Glory Bank!

Old Glory Bank (Member FDIC), formerly known as First State Bank, is 120 years old and located in Elmore City, Oklahoma. A bank that adopted its name in honor of the flag that will forever wave strong because they believe in everything that makes America the great nation that it is.

According to them, Old Glory Bank is for the people who believe in the principles that built our strong foundation. Here are some of the principles that the patriots at Old Glory Bank hold dear:

  1. Freedom
  2. Liberty
  3. Life
  4. Privacy
  5. Security

Old Glory Bank was a collaborative effort by John Rich, Dr. Ben Carson, Larry Elder, and Mary Fallen along with other Great Patriots whose goal was to combine our small-town, community-based traditions with cutting-edge technology creating the perfect Parallel Economy Bank for times ahead regardless of your beliefs. A Parallel Economy Bank that won’t cancel your accounts due to your political or religious beliefs.

Key Features

Some of Old Glory Bank’s key features include:

  1. No monthly fees (conditions may apply)
  2. Access to your direct deposit up to 2 days early
  3. No fees on in-network ATMs
  4. Free bill-pay & money transfers
  5. Free overdraft protection (conditions apply)
  6. Charitable Round-Up Program

The Charitable Round-Up Program

The Charitable Round-Up Program is a great addition to any Parallel Economy Bank. It will give the customers the option to round up to the nearest dollar and contribute each time they use their Old Glory Bank Card to the charity they choose. Code of Vets will be one of the charities available to select.

What do you think Patriots? Are you intrigued yet?

Submit Your Reservation

If you would like to move your business over to a Parallel Economy Bank, then go to Old Glory Bank and submit your reservation to get your place in line to open an account. You can also find them on Truth Social @OldGoryBank to receive the latest information as they move closer to their launch date. Let’s show those Big Banks they aren’t immune to “Go Woke Go Broke!” After all, finding new ways to continue moving into the Parallel Economy is how we do things, is it not?

Hey! If you would like to see more content like this and meet other patriots to collaborate with or find new inspiration, check out my Locals Community Random Mayhem Community ( or you can view my videos on Rumble Random Mayhem ( Thanks!

-Random Mayhem

Noah Davis contributed to this article.


  1. What about personal banking. I want to protect myself from Fed Now. How can I do that? I have a very small business I jsut started less then year ago. Not making much but its mine.


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